Unlock the Secrets of Healthy Hair: 5 Causes of Hair Loss and Premature Graying and How to Improve Them

Why do some people experience hair loss, premature graying, dryness, brittleness, and split ends? Multiple factors can affect hair health, such as irregular daily routines, stress, emotional instability, an imbalanced diet, and hair dyeing. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory, hair is closely related to the kidneys. For example, TCM dictates that “the kidney stores the essence, and the luster of the kidney shows in the hair.” In TCM, “essence” refers to the combination of inherited and acquired components of vital energy, which exists in both men and women. Inherited essence is determined by one’s genetics, which means some individuals are born with naturally thick, dark, and shiny hair. In contrast, others may experience premature graying, baldness, and other hair problems at a young age. However, acquired essence is derived from our food, which the digestive system absorbs and transforms into nutrients. These nutrients form the basis of the organs’ functional activities and are also known as the essence of the organs. Only with sufficient acquired essence can the body grow, develop, and reproduce. If kidney essence is deficient, hair problems such as premature graying, hair loss, and poor hair quality may occur. 5 Reasons for Unhealthy Hair and How to Address Them While genetics cannot be changed, diet and lifestyle habits can be adjusted to improve the health of your hair. In addition, factors such as staying up late, overthinking, undergoing chemotherapy, or taking medications can also affect hair health. However, these factors can be addressed with behavior modifications or supplements. 1. Preservatives and Growth Hormones in Food Processed meat products almost always contain nitrites, a preservative that, when combined with amine-containing foods, produces nitrosamines, a carcinogen. Foods containing amines include squid, ham, aged hard cheeses, sausages, bacon, dried shrimp, dried scallops, pickled vegetables, and more. Smoking, alcohol, and betel nut also contain nitrosamines, which can lead to cancer if consumed regularly. In addition, instant noodles contain excessive sodium and preservatives. Overusing these substances can impede the delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles, putting the hair’s health at risk. Additionally, growth hormones added to poultry and livestock products can cause hormonal imbalances in the body, hindering hair growth. TCM treatment: Eat less of the above problematic foods and use natural preservatives such as ginger, garlic, wine, vinegar, sugar, salt, or oolong tea, which contains polyphenols. 2. Nutritional Imbalance Leading to Anemia Malnutrition, iron deficiency, or lack of protein can also harm hair. Protein is a crucial nutrient that makes up hair; long-term protein deficiency can cause hair loss. Additionally, people who lose excessive weight or consume spicy, fried foods may exacerbate liver and gallbladder dampness-heat, which can obstruct the circulation of qi and blood to the hair roots, leading to hair loss. TCM theory states: “The liver stores blood, and hair is the extension of blood.” The growth of hair requires nourishment from liver blood. Insufficient liver blood can cause slow hair growth, dryness, and breakage. Kidney essence and liver blood can transform into each other. A liver blood deficiency can also lead to a deficiency of kidney essence, which can cause hair whitening and loss. TCM treatment: Four-Substance Decoction with Ophiopogonis or Guipi Decoction to nourish the blood 3. Staying Up Late Staying up late and insomnia can lead to hair loss. TCM states that the 12 main meridians follow specific time arrangements and pathways. The 12-hour day (each hour is two modern hours) corresponds to the 12 main meridians in the human body, and the qi and blood on the corresponding meridians are particularly active during each hour. The organs and tissues controlled by these meridians are also more active. Hair growth requires blood to supply nutrients. Between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. is the time when the liver and gallbladder meridians are active. The gallbladder meridian runs along both sides of the head, while the liver meridian runs over the top of the head. Staying up late often can lead to hair loss starting at the top of the head. The liver rests at night. Going to bed before 11 p.m. helps the blood flow back to the liver, ensuring the liver has an adequate blood supply and functions properly. This provides enough nutrients for the scalp and hair, preventing hair loss and keeping the hair shiny. Staying up or sleeping late can deplete liver blood, leading to hair loss due to insufficient nutrients. According to TCM theory, the liver regulates emotions and disperses qi. When the liver fails to disperse qi, and the qi stagnates, it can cause poor circulation of blood and nutrients supplied to the hair, leading to white hair or hair loss. TCM treatment involves treating the liver and kidneys together. TCM treatment

Unlock the Secrets of Healthy Hair: 5 Causes of Hair Loss and Premature Graying and How to Improve Them

Why do some people experience hair loss, premature graying, dryness, brittleness, and split ends? Multiple factors can affect hair health, such as irregular daily routines, stress, emotional instability, an imbalanced diet, and hair dyeing.

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory, hair is closely related to the kidneys. For example, TCM dictates that “the kidney stores the essence, and the luster of the kidney shows in the hair.” In TCM, “essence” refers to the combination of inherited and acquired components of vital energy, which exists in both men and women.

Inherited essence is determined by one’s genetics, which means some individuals are born with naturally thick, dark, and shiny hair. In contrast, others may experience premature graying, baldness, and other hair problems at a young age.

However, acquired essence is derived from our food, which the digestive system absorbs and transforms into nutrients. These nutrients form the basis of the organs’ functional activities and are also known as the essence of the organs. Only with sufficient acquired essence can the body grow, develop, and reproduce. If kidney essence is deficient, hair problems such as premature graying, hair loss, and poor hair quality may occur.

5 Reasons for Unhealthy Hair and How to Address Them

While genetics cannot be changed, diet and lifestyle habits can be adjusted to improve the health of your hair. In addition, factors such as staying up late, overthinking, undergoing chemotherapy, or taking medications can also affect hair health. However, these factors can be addressed with behavior modifications or supplements.

1. Preservatives and Growth Hormones in Food

Processed meat products almost always contain nitrites, a preservative that, when combined with amine-containing foods, produces nitrosamines, a carcinogen. Foods containing amines include squid, ham, aged hard cheeses, sausages, bacon, dried shrimp, dried scallops, pickled vegetables, and more. Smoking, alcohol, and betel nut also contain nitrosamines, which can lead to cancer if consumed regularly. In addition, instant noodles contain excessive sodium and preservatives.

Overusing these substances can impede the delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles, putting the hair’s health at risk. Additionally, growth hormones added to poultry and livestock products can cause hormonal imbalances in the body, hindering hair growth.

TCM treatment: Eat less of the above problematic foods and use natural preservatives such as ginger, garlic, wine, vinegar, sugar, salt, or oolong tea, which contains polyphenols.

2. Nutritional Imbalance Leading to Anemia

Malnutrition, iron deficiency, or lack of protein can also harm hair.

Protein is a crucial nutrient that makes up hair; long-term protein deficiency can cause hair loss. Additionally, people who lose excessive weight or consume spicy, fried foods may exacerbate liver and gallbladder dampness-heat, which can obstruct the circulation of qi and blood to the hair roots, leading to hair loss.

TCM theory states: “The liver stores blood, and hair is the extension of blood.” The growth of hair requires nourishment from liver blood. Insufficient liver blood can cause slow hair growth, dryness, and breakage. Kidney essence and liver blood can transform into each other. A liver blood deficiency can also lead to a deficiency of kidney essence, which can cause hair whitening and loss.

TCM treatment: Four-Substance Decoction with Ophiopogonis or Guipi Decoction to nourish the blood

3. Staying Up Late

Staying up late and insomnia can lead to hair loss.

TCM states that the 12 main meridians follow specific time arrangements and pathways. The 12-hour day (each hour is two modern hours) corresponds to the 12 main meridians in the human body, and the qi and blood on the corresponding meridians are particularly active during each hour. The organs and tissues controlled by these meridians are also more active.

Hair growth requires blood to supply nutrients. Between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. is the time when the liver and gallbladder meridians are active. The gallbladder meridian runs along both sides of the head, while the liver meridian runs over the top of the head. Staying up late often can lead to hair loss starting at the top of the head.

The liver rests at night. Going to bed before 11 p.m. helps the blood flow back to the liver, ensuring the liver has an adequate blood supply and functions properly. This provides enough nutrients for the scalp and hair, preventing hair loss and keeping the hair shiny. Staying up or sleeping late can deplete liver blood, leading to hair loss due to insufficient nutrients.

According to TCM theory, the liver regulates emotions and disperses qi. When the liver fails to disperse qi, and the qi stagnates, it can cause poor circulation of blood and nutrients supplied to the hair, leading to white hair or hair loss. TCM treatment involves treating the liver and kidneys together.

TCM treatment: Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill plus Polygala and fleece flower root, or a Seven Treasures Formula

4. Excessive Mental Strain and Stress

Prolonged mental exertion can cause the blood supply to prioritize the brain, leading to insufficient nutrient supply to the scalp and hair loss.

TCM Treatment: Heaven King Heart-Nourish Pellets

Another type of hair loss, alopecia areata, is caused by high stress levels. Some people experience hair falling out in clumps due to excessive worrying. Excessive anxiety, anger, or persistent depression can all contribute to alopecia areata.

TCM treatment: Acupuncture can be used by needling around the bald spots with about three to four needles per session. New hair growth will typically be seen within one to two weeks.

5. Chemotherapy

After undergoing chemotherapy, cancer patients may experience significant hair loss.

Chemotherapy kills cancer cells and damages normal hair follicle cells, and new hair typically grows back one to two months after stopping the chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can cause significant fatigue, nausea, and other symptoms caused by damage to the spleen and stomach, as well as the kidneys’ essence, qi, and spirit. Therefore, treatment focuses on tonifying the spleen and stomach and supplementing the kidneys with appropriate herbs.

TCM treatment: Major Four Herb Combination, Four Herbs Soup, or Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill with additional herbs like Millettia dielsiana and Astragalus root.

Some of the herbs mentioned in this article may be unfamiliar, but they are generally available in Asian supermarkets. In addition, each person’s body type is different, so the corresponding treatment method is also different; please consult a professional TCM doctor for specific treatment options.