Revealed: Xi Jinping Drinks 500ml Moutai Hard Liquor Daily? Is China Ruled by a Booze Enthusiast?
Revealed: Xi Jinping Drinks 500ml Moutai Hard Liquor Daily? Is China Ruled by a Booze Enthusiast?
Revealed: Xi Jinping Drinks 500ml Moutai Hard Liquor Daily? Is China Ruled by a Booze Enthusiast?
On September 11, news broke of the prison death of Yuan Renguo, once a leading figure at Moutai, China’s famous liquor brand. The next day, the past interactions and drinking anecdotes between Chinese president Xi Jinping and Yuan resurfaced, putting Xi at the center of public discussion. Shockingly, many of Xi's healthcare staff were also reported to have died under mysterious circumstances.
Back in June 2005, the "Moutai Report" revealed Xi Jinping's fondness for Moutai liquor. Xi even consulted Yuan on Moutai's supposed liver-protection benefits. Their meeting took place at the West Lake State Guesthouse in Hangzhou on June 20, 2005.