Record Amount of Fentanyl, Meth Seized in AZ, TX; Biden to Boost Biotech to Compete with China

Record Amount of Fentanyl, Meth Seized in AZ, TX; Biden to Boost Biotech to Compete with China

Record Amount of Fentanyl, Meth Seized in AZ, TX; Biden to Boost Biotech to Compete with China

The U.S. #FentanylCrisis is being helped along by a Chinese city.

President Joe Biden signed an executive order to boost #Biotechnology. It’s an effort to compete with China, but Beijing is taking action, too.

California is banning foreign governments and companies from buying U.S. #Farmland.

Books about sheep and wolves put a group of speech therapists behind bars. Hong Kong authorities label the children's books an anti-government conspiracy.

For Beijing, is controlling its own citizens more important than national defense? We examine the growing gap between its stability funding and military spending.