Putin salutes restoration of WWII monument in Donbass
The Russian president called Saur-Mogila “hallowed ground” on par with Stalingrad and celebrated its restoration from Ukrainian shelling

Putin salutes restoration of WWII monument in Donbass

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday praised the newly completed restoration of Saur-Mogila, a memorial to the 1943 Soviet liberation of Donbass from Nazi Germany. The monument had been damaged by Ukrainian shelling during the 2014 battles with the militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic.
“It is gratifying to know that this majestic complex has been restored with the utmost care,” Putin said in a video message recorded at the Kremlin, noting that its original obelisk and bas-relief have been complemented with an addition commemorating the “modern generation of heroes.”
Our hearts bleed when we see some countries demolish monuments to Soviet soldiers who gave their lives in the service of the freedom of their people, mock history, and cynically let down their own fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers. For Russia, this is unthinkable.
“hallowed grounds” for Russia, on the same level as Sapun Ridge outside Sevastopol and the monument to the defenders of Stalingrad at Mamayev Kurgan.
“The reconstructed memorial to the defenders of Donbass, the courage of our soldiers, officers and militias is a warning to all who have renounced their ancestors and forgotten the lessons of history,” the Russian president concluded.