Death Is the Common Thread Among Democrat Policies
CommentaryComparisons of charisma, telegenic qualities, speaking ability, intelligence, and other esoteric qualities of the various political candidates are in the minds of many Americans as they decide for whom they will vote this election year. But while peripherally important, all of those considerations take a distant backseat to the candidates’ stances on the issues that count. Campaign strategists and consultants use positive and negative messaging to sway voters toward their candidates and away from their opponents. Most voters would probably prefer to vote “for” a given candidate as opposed to “against” an opponent. But in 2022, that poses a real problem for Democrats, whose legislation and presidential executive orders are directly responsible for economic turmoil, sky-high inflation, and societal decay in America. As a result, this year, the Democrats’ negative messages aimed at Republican “America First” opponents have been particularly shrill and loud (and hypocritical) because their policy positions are poison to most sensible voters. For example, a common thread conveyed by the Democrats and their legacy media sycophants is that America First candidates are “election deniers who threaten ‘our democracy.’” In this Oct. 4 article, USA Today helpfully defines what the pejorative “election denier” means, which happens to be the definition concocted by the Democratic Party. Basically, anyone who questions the integrity and outcome of the 2020 presidential election in any way is deemed to be an “election denier.” Then, the article dutifully proceeds to list all those Republicans who fit the definition. Never mind the litany of Democrats who have “denied election outcomes” since the contested 2000 presidential election onward. Here is a 12-minute video (link) of Democrats denying past election results. Then there is Stacy Abrams, the Democrat candidate for governor in Georgia, who repeated claims for three years afterward that she “had the 2018 election stolen from her.” Of course, Abrams didn’t make USA Today’s list of “election deniers!” As another example, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) claimed (yet again) in an NBC interview on Oct. 18 that “Our democracy is at stake when you define democracy as [the] integrity of the vote, [and Republicans] want to suppress the vote.” Actually, most Republicans—and others—know full well that fraudulent votes have been cast in past elections and seek to ensure that only legal voters cast ballots in accordance with the rules passed by state legislatures, just as Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution provides. What Democrats actually mean when they say that “America First Republicans pose a threat to ‘our democracy’” is that those candidates pose a threat to Democrats and the Democratic Party if they are elected this year through free and fair elections. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) delivers remarks alongside Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) at an event celebrating the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on Sept. 13, 2022. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images) The Democrats can’t run on their failed policies, as even their own consultants are informing them based on internal polling of voters. As Politico reported on Oct. 21, top Democrat pollster Stan Greenberg made this astounding statement about the impact on voters of touting the Biden political message concerning the passage of all of the Democrat spending bills, etc., over the past two years: “It’s our worst performing message. I’ve tested it. I did Biden’s exact words, his exact speech. And that’s the test where we lost all of our leads.” That’s because voters instinctively know that Democrat policies are the root cause of high gasoline prices and the increasing cost of food, commodities, and other necessities of life. But it gets worse for the Democrats, as voters finally begin to realize that the end result of virtually all Democrat policies is death, not just its inevitability for everyone, but on an accelerated timeline. And since the Democrats themselves avoid discussion of their policies, perhaps we can elucidate some of the inevitability that comes with them. The Democrat Policies of Death As the list below is read, consider whether Democrats understand the law of unintended consequences of their policies—that they “mean well” despite the bad outcomes—or whether the ends are actually what they intend them to be. For that is the question of our times. An End to Hydrocarbons and the Internal Combustion Engine Dressed up as the “Green New Deal” and propagated as the plan to “save the planet,” this is the oft-spoken end result of the Democrats’ energy policy, for example, to phase out gasoline-powered cars and trucks and “end fossil fuels.” The predictable results? Destruction of the hydrocarbon-powered U.S. economy, food shortages, and brownouts and blackouts during periods of peak energy demand, to list b
Comparisons of charisma, telegenic qualities, speaking ability, intelligence, and other esoteric qualities of the various political candidates are in the minds of many Americans as they decide for whom they will vote this election year. But while peripherally important, all of those considerations take a distant backseat to the candidates’ stances on the issues that count.
Campaign strategists and consultants use positive and negative messaging to sway voters toward their candidates and away from their opponents. Most voters would probably prefer to vote “for” a given candidate as opposed to “against” an opponent. But in 2022, that poses a real problem for Democrats, whose legislation and presidential executive orders are directly responsible for economic turmoil, sky-high inflation, and societal decay in America. As a result, this year, the Democrats’ negative messages aimed at Republican “America First” opponents have been particularly shrill and loud (and hypocritical) because their policy positions are poison to most sensible voters.
For example, a common thread conveyed by the Democrats and their legacy media sycophants is that America First candidates are “election deniers who threaten ‘our democracy.’” In this Oct. 4 article, USA Today helpfully defines what the pejorative “election denier” means, which happens to be the definition concocted by the Democratic Party. Basically, anyone who questions the integrity and outcome of the 2020 presidential election in any way is deemed to be an “election denier.” Then, the article dutifully proceeds to list all those Republicans who fit the definition.
Never mind the litany of Democrats who have “denied election outcomes” since the contested 2000 presidential election onward. Here is a 12-minute video (link) of Democrats denying past election results. Then there is Stacy Abrams, the Democrat candidate for governor in Georgia, who repeated claims for three years afterward that she “had the 2018 election stolen from her.” Of course, Abrams didn’t make USA Today’s list of “election deniers!”
As another example, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) claimed (yet again) in an NBC interview on Oct. 18 that “Our democracy is at stake when you define democracy as [the] integrity of the vote, [and Republicans] want to suppress the vote.” Actually, most Republicans—and others—know full well that fraudulent votes have been cast in past elections and seek to ensure that only legal voters cast ballots in accordance with the rules passed by state legislatures, just as Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution provides.
What Democrats actually mean when they say that “America First Republicans pose a threat to ‘our democracy’” is that those candidates pose a threat to Democrats and the Democratic Party if they are elected this year through free and fair elections.
The Democrats can’t run on their failed policies, as even their own consultants are informing them based on internal polling of voters. As Politico reported on Oct. 21, top Democrat pollster Stan Greenberg made this astounding statement about the impact on voters of touting the Biden political message concerning the passage of all of the Democrat spending bills, etc., over the past two years: “It’s our worst performing message. I’ve tested it. I did Biden’s exact words, his exact speech. And that’s the test where we lost all of our leads.” That’s because voters instinctively know that Democrat policies are the root cause of high gasoline prices and the increasing cost of food, commodities, and other necessities of life.
But it gets worse for the Democrats, as voters finally begin to realize that the end result of virtually all Democrat policies is death, not just its inevitability for everyone, but on an accelerated timeline.
And since the Democrats themselves avoid discussion of their policies, perhaps we can elucidate some of the inevitability that comes with them.
The Democrat Policies of Death
As the list below is read, consider whether Democrats understand the law of unintended consequences of their policies—that they “mean well” despite the bad outcomes—or whether the ends are actually what they intend them to be. For that is the question of our times.
An End to Hydrocarbons and the Internal Combustion Engine
Dressed up as the “Green New Deal” and propagated as the plan to “save the planet,” this is the oft-spoken end result of the Democrats’ energy policy, for example, to phase out gasoline-powered cars and trucks and “end fossil fuels.”
The predictable results? Destruction of the hydrocarbon-powered U.S. economy, food shortages, and brownouts and blackouts during periods of peak energy demand, to list but a few. And that last problem means people freezing to death in the winter, as well as dying without air-conditioning during periods of extreme heat.
Legalization of Marijuana
George Soros, his Open Societies Foundation “investments,” and Soros-funded Democrats have been pushing the legalization of marijuana in virtually all of the 50 states for decades. Never mind the deleterious effects of the current strains of marijuana, which are more potent and dangerous than ever.
In addition, heavy marijuana use has been linked to mass killers. Not to mention the hazards to public safety from people under the influence operating heavy machinery, cars, or trucks, as well as the fact that marijuana use is frequently a gateway to more powerful killer drugs.
Defund the Police
Democrats from Kamala Harris on down were swept up in the “defund the police” campaign that was spun out of the drug-induced death of George Floyd in May 2020. As reported by the New York Post in July 2020, Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) sponsored the BREATHE Act in Congress, which would “defund police and set up reparations for people who either are black or were harmed by cops.”
Democrat support for defunding the police also extends down to the city level. For example, Councilwoman Kshama Sawant was one of the leading voices who advocated defunding the Seattle police in 2020. Fast-forward two years, she is now “requesting police to protect her home in response to repeated scatological vandalism,” according to the Post Millennial.
The inevitable outcomes of fewer cops on the street are more gang-related deaths, more violent crime, and more deaths in general in large U.S. cities.
No Cash Bail
Democrats across the country have led the charge in substituting so-called “risk-based systems” for cash bail policies in determining whether pretrial confinement is necessary for certain offenders. California Democrats led the way in 2018, but other states have followed suit, and the results are in.
According to a study reported in a March article from the New York Post, “an overwhelming majority of New Yorkers say the no-cash bail law has contributed to the spike in crime and should be overhauled.”
Circling back to Harris, as former White House spokeswoman Jenn Psaki might say, the New York Post reported in September 2021 that “a bail fund promoted by Vice President Kamala Harris helped lead to the release of an alleged Minneapolis domestic abuser—who has been charged with murder in a road-rage slaying.”
Open Borders
President Joe Biden and the Democrats opened the United States to the world via the virtually unpoliced U.S.-Mexico border. The result? A spike in crime as reported by Fox News back in July: “Illegal immigrants committed 1,178 assault and domestic violence crimes in 2021, which represents a more than 400% increase from the 208 in 2020. Sixty homicide manslaughter convictions [emphasis added] were attributed to illegal immigrants in 2021, a 1,900% increase from the previous year.”
And don’t forget about fentanyl, which has also been flooding across that border. There were over 100,000 fentanyl deaths in the United States over the last year. Nevertheless, Breitbart reported in September that “220 House Democrats blocked consideration for Rep. Michelle Fischbach’s (R-MN) Halt All Lethal Trafficking of Fentanyl Act to permanently classify fentanyl-related substances as Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.” That’s the Party of Death for you.
COVID Vaccines for Kids
Biden (incoherently pushing the jab) and the Democrats (all Senate Democrats vote against an amendment to defund vaccine mandates) are all-in on jab mandates, including for children, even without parental consent.
The CDC and the medical community, in monitoring the safety of the COVID vaccines, used an algorithm for generating safety signals that were “fundamentally flawed” and obfuscated the clear “death signal” that COVID vaccines would have produced with proper monitoring. In short, people died from the jab. Never mind that children are at the least risk and have the highest survival rate (99.995 percent!) of any demographic group. In addition, most children have already contracted one strain or another of the virus, as reported by Poynter on Oct. 23, and have developed antibodies against further infection.
Meanwhile, CNBC reported in April that “Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines have been associated with an elevated risk of myocarditis and pericarditis after the second dose, particularly among boys ages 12- to 17-years-old.” That’s a death sentence, sooner or later.
Grooming and Gender Affirmation Surgery
Democrats support this latest left-wing fad that destroys the lives of young people. Reports of the LGBTQI+ grooming of children in public schools, theme parks, and other settings around the United States have enraged parents across the political spectrum. The Biden administration’s support for life-changing genital surgery (here and here) to “affirm one’s gender” is just plain evil, resulting in an irreversible inability to have children and, ultimately, death.
Democrat policies have led to the longest stretch of high inflation in 40 years in the United States. And they have the gall to pass the misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act,” which will exacerbate the problem through another dose of massive government spending. That they name it thusly shows that they understand the political threat that high inflation poses to themselves, but they are clearly unwilling to take real steps to solve the problem.
In the meantime, people living at the poverty line are forced to make life-determining tradeoffs on purchasing food, healthcare, home heating oil, and other necessities of life. As a result, there will be people who die due to the continuing Democrat-caused inflation that is running unchecked. Perhaps some unfortunate people will follow Democrat Stacey Abrams’ advice on how to deal with inflation, as reported by The Federalist here: “You can’t divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realities of having a child.” In short, abort your child to cut inflation costs. The Democrats’ solution for inflation? Death!
Which segues perfectly into the “mother of all Democrat death wishes.”
Abortion on Demand at Any Time
Democrats have propagated 50 years of “choice” nonsense as camouflage for allowing women to kill their own babies. Never mind the gut-wrenching 1984 documentary “The Silent Scream,” which depicts an unborn baby’s attempt to avoid the suction catheter that ended life, or the miracles of modern medicine that have allowed children to survive and thrive their premature births (one reported on here at 21 weeks plus one-day gestation!).
Meanwhile, the Democrats moved their pro-abortion rhetoric over the years from “abortions will be rare” to favoring partial-birth abortions. In any event, the result is infanticide—over 63 million deaths and counting since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. Tragic, tragic deaths on the scale of genocide have been enabled by the Democratic Party.
Concluding Thoughts
The common thread among the Democrat-backed policies above is—whether purposeful or not—a hastening of death for some of the affected unfortunates. And that is decidedly not what a political party should be about in 2022. I have faith that my fellow Americans won’t vote for the Party of Death this year. It’s a pretty simple choice between Life and Death. Vote wisely!
Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.