CCP’s Funds Dry Up,Belt & Road Fizzles Out:Several Airport Projects in Cambodia Risk Being Abandoned

CCP’s Funds Dry Up,Belt & Road Fizzles Out:Several Airport Projects in Cambodia Risk Being Abandoned


"Authorities promised us new land, but so far, we have received nothing!" residents near the airport construction site in Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia, angrily state, seemingly without receiving any response. Residents living near the construction site express they are on the verge of being evicted from their homes without fair compensation. In Phnom Penh, Cambodia, communities affected by the airport construction face issues of land encroachment, eviction, and arrest. While they suffer from unfair treatment, the airport has failed to materialize due to the withdrawal of the Chinese investor. This is the current state of the "Belt and Road" initiative in the Cambodian airport project, where local residents' rights are infringed upon; the economy has not been enhanced, and the Cambodian national government also suffers losses, resulting in a lose-lose situation.
