Acupuncture Improves Dementia Symptoms, Enhances Concentration
Acupuncture Improves Dementia Symptoms, Enhances Concentration - Is dementia really incurable? One professional traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) physician can tell you from clinical experience that acupuncture can significantly improve the symptoms of dementia, as well as enhance younger people's memory and concentration.
Acupuncture Improves Dementia Symptoms, Enhances Concentration
Is dementia really incurable? One professional traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) physician can tell you from clinical experience that acupuncture can significantly improve the symptoms of dementia, as well as enhance younger people's memory and concentration.
Dementia not only causes people to forget what they have done entirely but also causes various problems, such as the inability to concentrate, lack of judgment, and deterioration of language skills.
Early Symptoms of Dementia
Ms. Yuen said that dementia is no stranger to many people. Some have family members or friends who suffer from it, and some have seen it in the news.Acupuncture Focuses on a Holistic Approach
Ms. Yuen said that the acupoints employed for dementia are mainly on the head because the brain and nervous system have large reflex areas on the scalp. Common acupoints of interest are the Baihui in the center of the head, the four Shencong acupoints around it, and the Renzhong acupoint directly under the nose. The Baihui is the intersection of all meridians in the human body, so it is considered an effective acupoint for all diseases and is aptly called the "universal acupoint." The Shencong effectively clears the mind and eyesight, refreshes the brain, and enhances enlightenment. The Renzhong is also another essential acupoint for refreshing the brain.Ms. Yuen emphasized that acupuncture therapy focuses on the overall adjustment of the patient's body. It might take a bit longer to see the result, but it will eventually show its curative effect.
An 80-Year-Old Man's Dementia Symptoms Improve
Three years ago, Ms. Yuen treated an 80-year-old dementia patient. His family said he often forgot to turn the stove off while cooking.They were worried but had not decided whether to send him to a nursing home. However, a friend recommended that acupuncture might be effective, so the family came to try it.
Through diagnosis, Ms. Yuen confirmed that the man was suffering from dementia. From a pathological standpoint, dementia is caused by insufficient pituitary gland secretion. Insufficient pituitary secretion is related to liver fire and kidney deficiency from a TCM perspective.
The first few acupuncture treatments showed little progress. Ms. Yuen advised the patient's family members to be patient and see what comes out after at least 10 treatments.
After the eighth treatment, when the patient returned for a follow-up visit, his family members told Ms. Yuen that their father's facial expression looked different than before.
It was always dull in the past, but now he had a more expressive face, could laugh, and could express himself, too.
Truant Boy Loves Studying Once Again
In addition to improving dementia, acupuncture can also help improve a lack of concentration in adolescents.Ms. Yuen had a 16-year-old patient who could not concentrate and found studying challenging, so he did not want to go to school. His mother brought him to Ms. Yuen, hoping acupuncture could help her son.
Ms. Yuen said the boy had a poor memory, lack of concentration, and easily became irritated. These are all symptoms of too much liver fire and kidney deficiency, the same source of problems as dementia.
After 10 sessions of treatment, the curative effect became more apparent. The boy no longer loses his temper easily because his memory and concentration have improved, and now he is keen to return to school.
Patting Acupoints to Refresh Yourself
In addition to acupuncture, Ms. Yuen suggested that patients pat specific acupoints on their own to improve memory and concentration. The easiest one is hitting both hands against one another 100 times daily. Doing this is likely to bring good results.1 Walnut a Day to Nourish the Brain
Daily diet therapy is also suitable for delaying brain aging. For example, soaking walnuts in vinegar and eating a little daily can help enhance memory. Ms. Yuen said there is no need to fry or cook them; just eat them raw.Ancient Chinese wisdom says that “similarly shaped items supplement each other.” The grooves on the walnut are similar to the grooves of the brain; therefore, wisdom dictates that walnuts are good for the brain. However, Ms. Yuen advised that we not eat too many walnuts soaked in vinegar in one sitting because walnuts are high in fat, and overeating can cause stomach stagnation and affect digestion. Just one nut a day is good enough.