A Culture of Lies and the Healing Power of Truth

CommentaryTo a friend, I was trying to explain what made the Brownstone Institute annual conference and dinner in Miami this past weekend so very special. It was just fantastic that The Epoch Times covered it with a livestream, which is now up and ready to watch. The interviews were great all day but the special moment came in the evening with the speech by Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo. There were other magical moments as when Harvey Risch of Yale, a great hero to so many, made a dinner appearance and gave remarks. And yes, the setting was idyllic, with the view of the ocean and the glorious Miami skyline, which today rivals New York City in its majesty. If you have been to New York lately and compared the two, you can see where the future is headed. Florida of course served as a great sanctuary during this three years of crisis, and the entire state has faced an epic influx of residents and capital. It really does feel like an island of freedom and sanity in a world gone mad. All of that was very special but does not get to the root of why there was so much magic in the air. The real reason traces to the discomfort that comes from living in a world of lies and finally being with people and courageous leaders who are helping to find our way back to truth. This is what made the event so spectacular. It was not just educational. It was also therapeutic. It helps heal the soul to encounter truth in such times. I suggested from the podium that the event could have gone on for days, or weeks, or months, or years, and everyone cheered. I was speaking not about the event itself but the acts of truth telling. We really should live in times of truth. We need this desperately for mental and physical health. It has been crushing to realize the full extent of the corruption of our society’s commanding heights. We are all exhausted of it and more than ready for a dramatic change. It was ironic that while the event was taking place, Elon Musk was putting out the first batch of information on what is being called the Twitter Papers. There is no more dispute about the collusion between the Deep State, the Democrats, intelligence officials, and Twitter to suppress information related to the 2020 election. Twitter here is a stand-in for the whole of the mainstream media machine: censorship was the rule. But while the Hunter Biden laptop story is a politically charged issue, it only scratches the surface of the lies we’ve been fed for nearly three years, most having to do with COVID, the great issue of the day. Public health agencies pumped out vast propaganda and developed reliable relationships with mainstream media to back it all. You can pick the subject: it was all gibberish. The idea that everyone was equally vulnerable was the core lie or that we didn’t know enough about the virus early on to embark on a rational policy path. There were early claims that the virus lives on surfaces and that school and business closures were going to make the problem go away. Then we were told that masks will prevent us from getting sick, claims that never had any scientific backing. Just this weekend, I received a note from the actual inventor of the N95 mask who told me that it was a preposterous claim from the beginning, that no porous masks could stop a virus, any more than a chain-link fence can block sand particles. It doesn’t take high-end science to figure this out so public health agencies were lying all along. The lies about the vaccines were among the most egregious. They said repeatedly and often that the key to not getting sick was to get vaccinated and to do so would also stop transmission, even though not even the manufacturers made such claims. When people resisted because they did not trust the vaccines and most people realized that they were not needed, the mandates came and forcibly injected billions of people the world over. And now we see that the risks of adverse effects were far greater than anyone admitted. And these vaccines were supposed to be the reason why we did not need repurposed drugs that we now know would have saved many lives. We faced a pandemic without medical clarity on the best therapies and this was entirely due to the neglect and propaganda by public health agencies. And as we gradually came to intuit the truth about all these subjects—that the destruction of the economy, the federal budget, our communities, and workplaces was all completely unnecessary—we took note of the strange way in which the major media just kept amplifying the lies. We used to think of social media as a pathway for getting truth out but then the censorship and bans began, and we all have friends who were silenced. The huge number of institutions that played along is shocking to realize. It was all the main portals through which we get information, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all the companies related to them. We were surrounded on all sides. Making matters worse, government regulations p

A Culture of Lies and the Healing Power of Truth


To a friend, I was trying to explain what made the Brownstone Institute annual conference and dinner in Miami this past weekend so very special. It was just fantastic that The Epoch Times covered it with a livestream, which is now up and ready to watch.

The interviews were great all day but the special moment came in the evening with the speech by Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo. There were other magical moments as when Harvey Risch of Yale, a great hero to so many, made a dinner appearance and gave remarks.

And yes, the setting was idyllic, with the view of the ocean and the glorious Miami skyline, which today rivals New York City in its majesty. If you have been to New York lately and compared the two, you can see where the future is headed.

Florida of course served as a great sanctuary during this three years of crisis, and the entire state has faced an epic influx of residents and capital. It really does feel like an island of freedom and sanity in a world gone mad.

All of that was very special but does not get to the root of why there was so much magic in the air. The real reason traces to the discomfort that comes from living in a world of lies and finally being with people and courageous leaders who are helping to find our way back to truth. This is what made the event so spectacular. It was not just educational. It was also therapeutic. It helps heal the soul to encounter truth in such times.

I suggested from the podium that the event could have gone on for days, or weeks, or months, or years, and everyone cheered. I was speaking not about the event itself but the acts of truth telling. We really should live in times of truth. We need this desperately for mental and physical health. It has been crushing to realize the full extent of the corruption of our society’s commanding heights. We are all exhausted of it and more than ready for a dramatic change.

It was ironic that while the event was taking place, Elon Musk was putting out the first batch of information on what is being called the Twitter Papers. There is no more dispute about the collusion between the Deep State, the Democrats, intelligence officials, and Twitter to suppress information related to the 2020 election. Twitter here is a stand-in for the whole of the mainstream media machine: censorship was the rule.

But while the Hunter Biden laptop story is a politically charged issue, it only scratches the surface of the lies we’ve been fed for nearly three years, most having to do with COVID, the great issue of the day. Public health agencies pumped out vast propaganda and developed reliable relationships with mainstream media to back it all.

You can pick the subject: it was all gibberish. The idea that everyone was equally vulnerable was the core lie or that we didn’t know enough about the virus early on to embark on a rational policy path. There were early claims that the virus lives on surfaces and that school and business closures were going to make the problem go away.

Then we were told that masks will prevent us from getting sick, claims that never had any scientific backing. Just this weekend, I received a note from the actual inventor of the N95 mask who told me that it was a preposterous claim from the beginning, that no porous masks could stop a virus, any more than a chain-link fence can block sand particles. It doesn’t take high-end science to figure this out so public health agencies were lying all along.

The lies about the vaccines were among the most egregious. They said repeatedly and often that the key to not getting sick was to get vaccinated and to do so would also stop transmission, even though not even the manufacturers made such claims. When people resisted because they did not trust the vaccines and most people realized that they were not needed, the mandates came and forcibly injected billions of people the world over. And now we see that the risks of adverse effects were far greater than anyone admitted.

And these vaccines were supposed to be the reason why we did not need repurposed drugs that we now know would have saved many lives. We faced a pandemic without medical clarity on the best therapies and this was entirely due to the neglect and propaganda by public health agencies.

And as we gradually came to intuit the truth about all these subjects—that the destruction of the economy, the federal budget, our communities, and workplaces was all completely unnecessary—we took note of the strange way in which the major media just kept amplifying the lies. We used to think of social media as a pathway for getting truth out but then the censorship and bans began, and we all have friends who were silenced.

The huge number of institutions that played along is shocking to realize. It was all the main portals through which we get information, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all the companies related to them. We were surrounded on all sides.

Making matters worse, government regulations prevented us from gathering in conferences and groups including even families, while travel restrictions stopped us from getting to see loved ones in a time of crisis. What was the point of all this? It wasn’t about virus control, clearly. It was about some very powerful people seizing control of the whole of our lives and stopping us from complaining about it.

Never forget that the first relief we got from lockdowns came in the summer of 2020 when people were allowed to get out and protest racism but it was obvious even then that this was a channeling of anger. Elites allowed us to complain about one injustice but not about others, so population energy was being manipulated even then toward political ends. Once the fervor for that approved cause died down, we were told to get back to our lives of isolation and sit at home and listen to more lies.

We never imagined that anything like this would happen in this country. It seems unthinkable even now, and the pain is intensified even further by the near absence of any admissions of wrongdoing. We are only finding out the truth in dribs and drabs. And as the information comes out, we are all being forced to piece together the truth based on scraps of data we get from here or there.

As just one example, it’s utterly shocking to learn that a crypto exchange founded in the Bahamas in 2019 would become the world’s second largest while shelling out millions and maybe billions in funding to universities, nonprofits, major media companies, and politicians that backed the mainstream story, which meant mostly Democrats but some Republicans too.

FTX folded weeks after the midterm elections when markets turned against the company to reveal the fraud. Then venues like the New York Times and others got to work immediately trying to whitewash one of the biggest financial scams in U.S. history. We are really supposed to believe that all of this is a coincidence? Absurd. It’s very obviously a diabolical racket.

It’s shocking to consider that we only know bits and pieces and that there is so much more to come out. Not even FOIAs have been very helpful in discovering precisely why all this happened. They arrived with 95 percent of the content redacted but it is never clear why. What are they trying to hide from us? How deep is the corruption? There must be far more else we would have had transparency by now.

So yes, this is going to go on for many years, as intrepid journalists and writers do their best to get to the truth and reveal it even as the perpetrators of this disaster keep shifting around and hiding. Consider too just how fragile truth is. But for The Epoch Times, what media would we have had to keep truth alive? But for one of the world’s richest men having bought Twitter, where would we be today?

We are supposed to live in a free society governed by a Constitution, and yet here we are. The solution, most obviously, is not to suspend the Constitution, as Trump very unhelpfully suggests, but rather to rediscover it and enforce it. For this country, this is the right path but it is going to take all our energies to get there.

In the meantime, we need to be at events and with people who have a burning passion to know and tell what is true. We need this for our own intellectual integrity but also for our emotional sanity and spiritual health. If I were to summarize the words of Joseph Ladapo at the Brownstone event, this is precisely how I would state it. We should not fear truth. We should embrace it as an essential part of living the good life.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.


Jeffrey A. Tucker is the founder and president of the Brownstone Institute, and the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press, as well as 10 books in five languages, most recently “Liberty or Lockdown.” He is also the editor of The Best of Mises. He writes a daily column on economics for The Epoch Times and speaks widely on the topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.